Original Art by Daria Borisova

Daria is an artist originally from Russia, now she lives in NYC. She has a degree in Art and Design from Moscow Institute of memory of 1905. Primarily, she works with acrylic paints. She uses different techniques such as scratching, multi-layering, and creating different textures on canvas and paper.

She admires nature, and often raises a theme of ecological issues that we face, such as animal extinction, global warming, pollution, and overuse of planet resources.

Also, she takes part in many national and international exhibitions and publications, such as Grand Bohemian Gallery, Boomer Gallery, Van Der Plas Gallery, Jones Gallery, Divide Magazine and others.

Daria draws her inspiration and ideas from the wildlife world. Her paintings of flora and fauna immerse the viewer into vibrant and vivid scenes of animals and plants. Choosing limited palettes, she creates fresh and harmonious compositions pleasing to the eye. Her artistic practice is a playful experiment in creating complex collage compositions, with many overlaps and hidden elements that are not obvious at first glance.